Decline in Conservatism Between Generations Correlates Highly with Potential Signals of Mutational Load
What do left handedness, MS rates, Crohn's disease rates, youth cancer rates, autism rates, homosexuality rates, and conservatism rates all have in common?
Evidence is building suggesting that wokeism is highly heritable. Consider this chart with an amazing correlation between left handedness and state liberalness:
The association between left handedness and leftism comes from the mutational load hypothesis, which says that leftism is a psychological defect caused by high mutational load induced by the low selection pressures of modernity. Left handedness is taken as a sign of high mutational load, because of its correlation with myriad diseases, meaning if leftism is a result of mutational load, it should correlate with left handedness.
I’ve gone over this more extensively in another article here. The point of this articles is that I wanted to see how much variance through time of conservativism can be explained by through-time variance of variables which probably represent increasing mutational load.
The mutational load hypothesis says that the through-time heritability of wokeness is very high, and so the variance explained will be very high.
This is what I found. The conservatism decline variance explained by probable mutational load factors is 65-95%. The data is weak but it’s consistent with leftism just being genetic.
Conservatism decline correlates highly with stuff that could be mutational load
Here is the data:
It comes from this spreadsheet:
The sources are here.
What this all means is that it is consistent with the data for mutational load to be behind the change in all of these factors. At an individual level, none of these have to correlate very highly with one another. If they all correlate weakly with mutational load, and mutational load increases each generation, then their averages over time will all correlate highly, like we see.
Left handedness increase is not explained by decline in forcing right handedness
I did an n=650 survey on Prolific and got the following result:
It looks like young people on prolific were non-significantly more likely to report forced hand switching.
The Decline of Conservativeness is not Explained by Aging
Some people say you just get more conservative when you get older. This has no scientific backing — it seems to be a blank slatist meme that tries to obscure genetic drift.
From Gallup:
Some generations have declined in conservativeness rate over the last 20-30 years. Several studies back this up: “Folk wisdom has long held that people become more politically conservative as they grow older, although several empirical studies suggest political attitudes are stable across time. Using data from the Michigan Youth-Parent Socialization Panel Study, we analyze attitudinal change over a major portion of the adult life span. We document changes in party identification, self-reported ideology, and selected issue positions over this time period and place these changes in context by comparing them with contemporaneous national averages. Consistent with previous research but contrary to folk wisdom, our results indicate that political attitudes are remarkably stable over the long term.”
We found a lot of monotonic trends that look like they could be the result of
increasing mutational load. One of these is the decline in conservativeness, which is not explained by aging. However, with only 5 generational groups, the utility of this sort of analysis is limited. Any monotonic trends could be interpreted as mutational load increasing. We need more – we need a direct
measure of mutational load.
If you would like to help us create such a measure, please consider becoming a paid subscriber:
Seems reasonable—except the speed at which such is occurring. I span several of those cohorts you allude to. It seems when young, such a thing as wokism and Leftism did not exist. Yes, there were Liberals--like JFK and Hubert Humphrey, but they seemed to never be as bad as today. We seemed to have agreement on the big goals, but dithered around the means to achieve them. Today, quite a different story. Seems who obtains power is an existential matter. Not simply a slight detour from the “path”.