Exousiology Manuscript Beta 1.1 is out!
The second version of the living document that will become the book.
The major additions of this version are:
Added Chapter 7 on mass psychology, and sections on altruism vs. selfishness.
Added Chapter 4 on Credit Theory. This is a mathematical model based on rational utility and fungibility assumptions that explores under what conditions is money identical to power. It turns out that, roughly speaking, money should pretty much be power.
Added section on the process of political agency. I flesh out the concept of political agency and explore how it seems to mostly be disagreeableness + IQ. I plan out studies that can be done to confirm this.
For Beta 1.2, some plans I have are:
More literature reviews on mass psychology and the relation of altruism to political orientation, hedonism, egalitarianism, and materialism;
Investigate and compile the history of money and credit;
Integrate credit theory with Patriciate theory and networking;
Launch studies on political agency on Prolific.
If you would like to read Beta 1.1 or help fund the effort and resources that will go into the next iteration (Prolific costs money!), please become a paid subscriber: