Exousiology Manuscript Beta 1.2 is out!
The third version of the living document that will become the book.
The major additions of this version are:
Added section in credit theory on deception being fake under rationality assumptions.
Added section in credit theory on alpha.
Added study in memetics on Pareto vs. Mind viruses.
Added study in political agency on estimating the political agency of the population.
For Beta 1.3, some plans I have are:
More literature reviews on mass psychology and the relation of altruism to political orientation, hedonism, egalitarianism, and materialism;
Investigate and compile the history of money and credit;
Integrate credit theory with Patriciate theory and networking;
Launch a study on rationality under deception;
Estimate the costs of not being woke;
Compile data on the universality of the Patriciate;
Compile data on mass protest causes and turnout;
If you would like to read Beta 1.2 or help fund the effort and resources that will go into the next iteration (Prolific costs money!), please become a paid subscriber: