Why Exousiology is Extremely Important and Should be Talked About
Exousiology sales pitch for those who find my manuscript dense
I’ve been sending my manuscript to a number of political commentators, and far too many of them ignore it. There could be two reasons for this: 1) they understand it and therefore see why it’s important, but have character flaws which lead them to ignore it, such as not seeing how it will make them more money; 2) they do not understand it and therefore do not see why it’s important, why my research program needs funding and therefore attention and how my models and the solutions to my hypotheses are almost certainly of significant value to both the grand human quest for truth and the success of any political movement. Option 2 could be the case because my manuscript is written like an math textbook, and most people don’t know math at this level.
To make sure, from now on, that the reason why my manuscript is ignored is option 1, I am going to clearly explain what exousiology is and why it’s important. This is my sales-pitch — in a just world it wouldn’t be needed, but it’s not a just world, and I will do what I must to make it more just.
What is exousiology?
Exousiology is the scientific study of social power. We want to know, scientifically, what power is, where it comes from, who has it and how much, and why. Before exousiology, nobody really knew these things. I have now made great progress on these questions, and my answers so far are contained in my manuscript in full.
To briefly summarize those answers, power is marginal influence. It is the ability to mutate the social-state. Imagine society like a human body and the social-state like where the body is, or how the body is positioned. Marginal influence is like being able to move the body. Marginal influence can be quantified for cells or groups of cells. In a human body, the marginal influence of any one cell may be infinitesimal, but a cluster of neurons may have more marginal influence than a similarly sized cluster of stomach cells.
In real life, power is conceived to come from something called “the basis of power.” This is basically the set of traits that confer potential marginal influence onto an individual. The best evidence currently suggests that people are very materialistic, and traits which allow a person to be better at satisfying the material desires of others confer marginal influence, through the ability to manipulate people by their material desires. In the past, there was more variation in the capacity for violence, due to violence being much more skilled and effort-laden than it is in a world of firearms, so physical strength and coordination may have been larger in the basis of power. Now there are big, natural, genetic differences in the ability to create wealth, but very small differences in the capacity for violence. Thus the military plays little role in modern politics.
Very few people have significant marginal influence over the social-state; and marginal influence seems to be Pareto-distributed. That means very few people have a lot and most people have very little. It’s very similar to wealth, and as I said above, depending on how materialistic people are, marginal influence is closely related to wealth. A statistic I call centralization refers to how few people in a society have a significant amount of influence.
In all societies, there seems to be a sovereign class I call the Patriciate, after the explicitly sovereign class of the Roman Republic. This class is always made up of a subset of naturally gifted elites, which seem to form a ruling network according to similarity. They kick out other natural elites who aren’t politically similar to them. This causes the Overton window. There is a Patriciate in every society because of the underlying genetic structure of the population. Very few people will be naturally gifted enough to rule, and among those people, the largest similarity-driven oligarchy will prevail, by combining their efforts.
In fact, power exists because, compared to natural elites, most people are sadly lacking. I am creating a construct called “political agency” which measures this. The idea is that someone with low or no political agency cannot exert significant marginal influence. This may be due to lack of material talent, or temperament. Some nominal Patricians may in fact be the coziest of house slaves; their IQ may allow them to rule, but their temperament may preclude agency.
Political agency is, I believe, a profound area of research in exousiology, because it seeks to scientifically undermine the very bedrock of Enlightenment thought, the idea that “all men are created equal”; the essential idea of democracy (which has already been shown to be impossible, scientifically, in my manuscript under the section titled “Political agency”; I am the first person to ever do this, to my knowledge), and equality. In terms of average people, democracy is like sending a 25 year old to a democratic kindergarten where he gets an equal vote with the 6 year olds, who of course lack agency and are, in reality, led by a teacher. The 25 year old may have agency, relatively speaking, but can do nothing because the Santa-Claus believing 6 year olds will always outvote him, under the direction of the teacher, who tells them about Santa-Claus. Equality is like being subject to the same rules as the 6 year olds. When the 25 year old talks back to the (“democratically elected?”) teacher, or talks down to a 6 year old peer, he may be stood in the corner with a dunce-cap, rapped on his knuckles with a ruler, or sent to the principle’s office and spanked. Obviously these things merely degrade the 25 year old, and are a tyranny upon him, but the 6 year olds, and their teacher lurking in the background, very much think it is fair!
In this parable, the teacher and the principal are the Patriciate, the 6 year olds are low-no political agency people, and the 25 year old is a natural elite who is excluded from the Patriciate, perhaps because of his dissident political views, ethnicity, or something else. Even an average 25 year old can understand how ghastly this would be were it a reality. But the average 25 year old is in fact, right now, like the 6 year old from the parable. The huge importance of political agency research is that it scientifically proves this. The steel beams of the Enlightenment political formula of people’s sovereignty are melted with the thermite of exousiology.
Why dissidents should pay attention
If exousiology is thermite, then political commentary and old “theory” is a mere 767. The political formula cannot survive the thermite of exousiology; it will melt and crumble to the ground. It can survive a 767, because jet fuel can’t melt steel beams. Carl Schmitt et al. is boring, stale, and useless.
If you are reading this, you are probably the 25 year old in the parable and not the 6 year old. You should want to see new, 21st century political theory. You should want to see all of Enlightenment thought irrevocably humiliated and destroyed. Exousiology is raw intellectual justice. From a transcendent view point, it is simply sick and unjust to ignore exousiology while continuing to give attention to mere talk, or mere pastiches of exousiology, meaning any Rousseau-style verbal tract. Verbal tracts, unless they are watered-down math and science, are not true, and the give the fruit of the democracy of kindergarteners. Verbal tracts birth Liberalism, Communism, and Patchwork. In no world does The Communist Manifesto or The Formalist Manifesto deserve more attention than the Exousiology Manuscript Beta 1.0. A world where the Exousiology Manuscript gets virtually no attention, and enlightenment tracts of equality and utopianism and democracy and Santa-Claus get attention is simply uglier than the more just world.
Pragmatists should pay attention because exousiology is Class HBD and will bear similar fruit as Race HBD and Sex HBD. It is very likely that if you are reading this, a fundamental part of your “red pill” journey was encountering race and sex HBD. It may have been watered down for you by entertainers. You still would never have encountered those ideas if it weren’t for Arthur Jensen, Richard Lynn, and others. There would have been no The Bell Curve without those men, and without The Bell Curve there would be no “redpill” on black people. I would probably believe in something resembling race equality if it were 1985 right now. The reason why I don’t is solely due to race HBD. Race HBD totally exploded the idea of affirmative action, massive nonwhite immigration, and even “Civil Rights” for me. Sex HBD totally exploded the feminist, poor oppressed women narrative. Class HBD, which, done thoroughly and completely, is exousiology, will totally explode democracy, class equality, and tolerance for intra-racial dysgenics.
More than this, it will reveal power to the world. Foucault was right; power is everywhere; he was wrong that in emanates from everyone. That is egalitarian nonsense. Very few people hoist their wills upon the world, often parasitically, using their army of 6 year olds to hide inside of pseudo-scientific ideas of “democracy.” They are the teacher from the parable. With exousiology, everyone will instantly see these people for what they really are: scammers, exploiting a feature of society so they can benefit at the cost of both the 6 year olds and the other adults.
We can also work on patching the exploit. We don’t have to have eternal 6 year olds. With the right evolution of the genepool, everyone can be high political agency, and we can literally get rid of man on man parasitism. This is profound; exousiology reveals that which has never before been revealed: how to actually “perfect” society; and what perfect means in the context of a society, and its limitations. “Perfect” is not perfect; I believe in the curse of Adam; the universe is a harsh place. But we don’t have to have the kindergarten of equality and democracy forever. But as long as there exists “teachers” willing to exploit a mass of eternal kindergarteners, such will be the human condition.
Dunking on black people and women is petty in comparison to the absolute, transcendent justice of solving the problem of man on man parasitism, the real, root cause of democracy, equality, feminism, and ethno-Marxism. The “dissident right” is actually nothing without exousiology; it is a doctor which merely treats the symptoms of an underlying stage IV cancer. Exousiology is the drug that actually gets rid of all of the tumors. I cannot bear to listen any longer to talk of the Democrats, or cultural Marxists, anti-whites, SJWs, feminists, wokesters, or even “the Left”; nay, more than that, even “the Jews” is nothing but a symptom! All of these things are mere symptoms of a deeper, underlying genetic disease which has cursed Man from the start. Only through exousiology can this problem be understood and defeated at last.
Therefore, exousiology must receive adequate attention. My findings should influence the discourse, which is currently shallow, while these findings, though developing, are, as I have demonstrated, far deeper and more important. Attention is necessary so that real people will understand and address these problems. I cannot be the only one who understands, because the marginal influence of one man is always too small; I need a network of peers who understand, and for that to form the ideas must proliferate.
From an altruistic standpoint, I firmly believe that I have a track-record of good judgment and even deeper “insight” than the average “dissident right” commentator. Adding me to the approved-for-attention list would certainly be a marginal improvement. I am often shocked by the quality of some of the discourse, and allowing me to comment on it would be an improvement for everyone. At the very least, I probably have more original ideas than the average, attention-approved commentator, so at the very least I would be fresh blood in what is otherwise becoming very stale.
Exousiology also needs funding. I have a round of research planned. It could take up to $10,000 dollars to complete. More money for research is always better. None of that includes paying me — all of that is for paying participants and buying material. I should also be paid a small, modest, living wage for my work. I believe my work is certainly important enough to warrant that, in a world where far more trifling things receive plenty of money. If I receive enough attention, much of that can come from grass-roots donations.
It would be preferable if multiple people felt inspired to research exousiology. Attention will make this happen; I know several race and IQ researchers who were inspired by the attention race HBD has received. Physics didn’t end with Newton.
For those who pay attention
The reward for paying attention is very great. You will be increasing the amount of truth, beauty, and justice in the world and in today’s political discourse! Isn’t that exciting?
More selfishly, I will like you and owe you. I am always desperate for high IQ, capable people to network with. My theories show that such people working together is key to wielding significant marginal influence. If you are a serious person who wants to make an impact on the world, you can be allies with the creator of everything you have seen here, plus a billion dollar book, and more you have not seen, by doing nothing more than retweeting his ideas and having him on your Youtube channel or Substack. It costs nothing. And he will love you forever and be very loyal. Where will all of this be in 10 years, and what relation will you have to it?
For those who still don’t get it
If you still don’t get it, that is okay. However, keep in mind that you are sending a signal: you are revealing that reason 1) from the first paragraph of this writing is an increasingly likely scenario in explaining your behavior. Where will exousiology be in 10 years? What about the person who has done all of this so far? What about 20 years? What opportunities are you missing out on over the course of all of that time?
Exousiology is a risk-free investment with significant potential for essentially infinite returns. You put in almost nothing, potentially get out something, even a lot!
I am very certain that, relatively soon, potentially in less than a year, I will verify (potentially somewhat modified) versions of what I have claimed in this writing. My claims, and their proofs, are self-evidently important. They may be able to be ignored for as much as a generation or two, but eventually they will be recognized. Ignoring me only forestalls the inevitable, and it is very likely that there will be, no matter what, a niche community of capable exousiologists in just a few years.
Please pay attention
I urge you, if you are reading this, to subscribe to my substack and Youtube. There is no reason why I should not be at 5k on Youtube and maybe 1k on here. Mere entertainment receives far more. If you can afford it, drop a paid subscription too. I will do more for you than Netflix, I promise that much. If you have a platform or know somebody who has one, have me on and let me spread my ideas. I will do more for you than the average podcast guest, I promise that much. If you are a crypto-king, have a trust-fund, or are a dark Patrician, give me a stipend and fund my research; it will do more for you and your society than highways in Africa, I can tell you that.
I strongly believe exousiology will be the best investment in ideas you will ever make.