Being patriotic of the United States is leftist. Real rightists should now be Europhiles. Here are several reasons why.
The Argument from Monarchism
Real rightists know democracy is leftist and cringe. The rightful king of America is Charles III of England.
Look how much cooler he is than Dementia Joe:
The “revolution” was as leftist as the Bolshevik Revolution and America is basically a radical leftist experiment gone on too long. Real American Rightists should advocate for America to be returned to the personal possession of our rightful king, the King of England.
The Argument from Demographics
Real rightists love their race more than their leftist government.
Europe is still about 90% white while the US is “a nation of immigrants” (leftist) and is minority white in its youngest generations.
America has mass immigration because the soywhites in it WANTED it. A majority of white people vote for more immigration in every single election and it’s gone on for decades.
In the upcoming presidential election, two ancient American white guys are arguing over whether immigration should be FURTHER INCREASED or SLIGHTLY LOWERED. Meanwhile, in Germany, people are singing “Ausländer raus” and discussing TOTAL REMIGRATION. Which country is more right wing?
The Argument from Dysgenics
American whites are the worst whites in the world.
They are the most obese, the most leftist, the most diseased, etc.
America has a unique species of “white” which is called a “redneck.”
Rednecks are basically black people with pink skin. They come from low IQ white people breeding in the easiest place on the planet with 0 wars or conflicts for nearly 200 years.
America has lacked what Peter Turchin calls a “meta-ethnic frontier.”
It had one way back with the Amerindians before its founding and one may be forming with Latinos again. However, for now it is the fountain of world dysgenics and it’s running on genetic fumes and undeserved land.
Americans are basically spoiled and should have to live at the developmental levels of Guatemala because this is all 90% of the population could build today. The population is servile, dumb, fat, and ugly and is just sitting on a continent of wealth and oil that it didn’t earn — it’s ancestors earned it but Europeans are closer to those ancestors than the present population of America.
America is the Vampire of the World
Hopefully you have now learned why you should dislike America. On this July 4th, I will be hoping for the restoration of the British Monarchy in the US. Charles III would certainly be a better president than what we have now, a guy who literally doesn’t know where he is past 4 PM. That’s what happens when you run a “democracy” on top of this horrible population!
Truth, and old stock Americans (the true heirs to America) are gone. America is a rotted corpse, with every scavenger taking their last meal.
Europe is being overrun with immigrants, what the heck are you talking about? Young people in the U.S. cannot afford rent, housing, college, inflation is through the roof. It is the baby boomers that are profiting from the young. Look at the transfer of wealth that has occurred from young to old in the past four years, all over the world pretty much.