I would love to see your takes on any of Dr Dutton’s books and studies, I think the material is pretty complimentary to the study you are undertaking.

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Thank you for doing the hard work of providing some real contemporary data for "elite theory"

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“Due to technology we are richer than ever; society can sustain more decadence than ever. Leftism is the end itself, and the incredibly rich elite use their power to make you tolerate it.”

In what sense is blank slate theory, egalitarianism, anti-whiteness, etc. “decadent”? It’s quite easy to imagine an alternative world where the elite rejects this nonsense. But when the patriciate becomes the (((patriciate))), then the weirdness of corporate America adopting Wokeism makes more sense. It’s not “decadence”, it’s strategic.

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So basically in the bottom 99.96% Jews get bonus points for being Jews but in the top .03% they get discriminated against. Explains why they all hate "white old billionaires".

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Good job, very well written.

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