Jul 5Liked by Joseph Bronski

Strange that even though social clubs are much cheaper, they're considered "out of the Government's domain."

Lol at the end that we have to keep hundreds of millions of kids in school for three more years because otherwise the vaxx won't come out soon enough.

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Jul 6Liked by Joseph Bronski

Love this topic. I’ve also argued that high school should be abolished. Everyone thinks it’s crazy. Would truly be extremely beneficial though.

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Jul 5Liked by Joseph Bronski

Your book probably wasn't influential because it's too high IQ and dialectical. People seem to get culturally programmed by low IQ content on TV, youtube, anti White history in school or religion. Stuff that requires intelligence or reason to understand doesn't seem to do as well.

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Jul 6Liked by Joseph Bronski

People don't get "culturally programed" they gravitate to those things which they are disposed to. Yes they often generalize from what they are exposed to but that's not them being programed. Their base disposition is not changed by that media.

The true believing white haters, for example, would still believe what they believe even if the right had cultural hegemony. Most of the outwardly self hating whites do not actually believe what they claim since the vast majority do not race mix, do not live near non-whites, do not give a significant of the portion of their income to non-whites, among other things. They are just disposed towards showing deference to social pressures.

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"The hunch, for instance, could be that you’re an egalitarian and high school looks like a miniature USSR or North Korea, so it appeals to you aesthetically."

I think this primary appeal. High schools are highly surveillanced and controlling environments with a leftist bent, the contrast would be the army which is a highly surveillanced and controlling environment with a rightist/nationalist bent. Leftist always want to expand the former, but are often against the latter. You sometimes hear old people say every one should have a year of national service.

Both of these are institutions where either side can impose their will on the share of society which are more malleable, both are wasteful . Forcing this form of theft and suppression on society is just pragmatic politics. Think of how much time you had to spend breaking free from the delusions you were indoctrinated with in high school, no wonder the left sees them as invaluable.

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Another flaw in his argument is that he implicitly assumes that there would not be any life changing experiences in whatever else people may have done instead of being in high school.

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deletedJul 5·edited Jul 5
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Imvho the "argument" is motivated by teachers' paycheck...

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