Dec 24, 2022Liked by Joseph Bronski

Dope, I was gonna ask about this. J got the finger on the pulse

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What is exousiology?

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Thank you. You research essentially matches my estimate for average G-weighted Jewish I.Q. at 108-109. The simple issue is this isn't that much above the Asian average I.Q. at 105-107 but we have dramatic difference in outcomes for let's say representation at elite Colleges. Clearly there's something Jews do or have that people with similar intelligence don't but somehow we aren't allow to even acknowledge this obvious fact.

I know the DR often says that in-group preference or nepotism is the explanation but I'm wondering if actively punishing Gentile groups plays a bigger role in their outside success?

For example, the 150 points on the SAT scores that subtracted during University admissions plays perhaps an equal or even bigger role on why Asians don't dominate and the Jewish student body in places like Harvard is massive. Asians are nepotistic but they don't actively try and harm other groups unlike many powerful Jewish group are known to do. Can we divide "nepotism" into positive and negative nepotism and create a model to predict which kind of nepotism is practiced by which groups and which explains more?

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