Just ordered a hard copy of your book, it's been the only book i've actually read halfway through so far in the past 8 years, great work.

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Attention deficit....?

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Perhaps, although most of the books I've read are just over bloated stories that could've been formatted better for television.

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Don't you think the mental health crisis in young men that's all over utube a sign that boys have been affected by smartphones?

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You know when i think about internet usage by the average population its basically a usage thats very stuck on a core intranet.

If you forced it down to 50 websites, most people wouldn't notice a difference.

There's very few people who look up specific works and topics on random old archives from the 2000s, websites who increasingly are shutting down saddingly.

Im not proposing any restrictions or whatever, im just stating that any restriction on internet acces to some north Korean intranet management would not affect the commoner much.

The internet should be free to access for 13 year old boys who just started questioning the mythos of their society, not for the plebeians sake however whom never goes outside the starter town as it were.

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