The so-called Fair Housing Act was the nail in the coffin for free association and continued preservation of Dark Elves - to reverse its ill effects we must have our own space. Excellent article
While something like this might be nice to fantasize about, to call it a pipe dream would be generous. There are plenty of problems with it but the biggest and most obvious is the Woman Question. After first limiting the pool of potential "Dark Elves" to only very smart people, you are then asking all of the fertile (i.e. young) women in that range to be right wing, which will weed out lots of them, and then most importantly, you are *asking them to accept 19th century dating and marriage norms and laws*, which will weed out probably almost all of them.
Don't get me wrong, I'm open to the idea that 19th century marriage laws would be superior to the ones we have today, and I definitely agree that some kind of shift back to traditional marriage and away from so-called "sexual liberation" and feminism would be very beneficial. But the number of smart young women who would be willing to accept this, and to fully cut themselves off from mainstream society in the process, is surely an infinitesimally small population. Even assuming you could find any willing volunteers, how do you stop them from just running to a leftist divorce court at the first sign of trouble? The mechanism for that isn't clear at all, but I feel that it's largely irrelevant as our hypothetical Dark Elf state will likely have zero women signing up for it anyways.
Another roadblock is that, again, even assuming you actually found some quality female Dark Elves who are willing to hear you out with regards to the whole Dark Elfia idea, the gender ratio for this whole thing is still going to end up stupendously lopsided. However few women you manage to recruit, you will surely find an order of magnitude more men who are ready to try it. So, you'll have to limit the number of male applicants severely, or else figure out how to manage a Dark Elfia with something silly like a 5:1 or 10:1 (or maybe worse than that, who knows) male:female ratio.
This is pure speculation on my part, but I'd hypothesize that you'd actually have much better luck getting low IQ women to sign up for tradlarping, specifically because dumb women would be much easier to manipulate and control. But yeah this whole thing is never happening anyways so it's whatever. Personally, I think IQ is a bit overrated, and I'd focus more on ideology. My judgment is that a stupid "based" person is not that much different or worse from a smart one, as long as there are a few smart ones to point him in the right direction. At the very least, I feel confident that I would generally prefer the company of stupid right wingers to that of intelligent leftists.
stupid right wingers could come in for labor but could not be full citizens. We will not have a mass democracy run by the 95 IQ. The low IQ are a danger to our liberties, they give us credentialism, mass education, demagogueist tyrannies, socialism, and so on.
You're completely disenfranchising enitire nations, like the irish, romanians, Rednecks, Afrikaners/Boers, and others. Stop creating divison, god made us all white. We're meant to be together
some of these are good points but a little too concern trolly for my tastes. Obviously you don't want this to happen. That's fine, stay in SF with the mutated elves and the hobo orcs.
I've given a lot of thought to the WQ, that's what the follow up post was primarily going to be about.
I'm guessing you just didn't read the article all the way through actually. This comment is so bad it's almost a ban.
The answer to the divorce court question is in the article which you didn't properly engage with. As to how to get women there, I think you're overly blackpilled about the sex gap on leftism. It's not that large actually. There should, in theory, be a lot of dark elf women. One problem is finding them in the haystack of mutationplanet. So this is why we need networking. Currently these women are isolated and are racemixing with non-dark-elves. So, reaching these women technologically is key. A lot of women love Pride and Prejudice and will have no problem with 19th century family formation.
Insofar as this is overly optimistic, dark elfia should be an economic powerhouse due to the high concentration of human capital. We will just lure in lower quality women with money and embryo-select their offspring. We can also rent surrogates, and later artificial wombs. Their daughters will be raised in Dark Elfia and not complying with our laws will mean exile like the Amish. Most will not leave after being raised in Dark Elfia and selected for rightism. Also Dark Elfian men would be expected to be in good physical shape, so more attractive than most men physically.
Will the Gay Leftist Empire have a problem with this? this is why location choice and liberty is important, like I said.
I'm a subscriber to your page and share a lot of your general worldview. I'd be all in favor of Dark Elfia being a real thing (though maybe let's find a better name for it), if all my concerns turned out to be totally wrong, that would be cool with me.
I don't see where the issue of divorce courts was addressed. The closest I can find is this passage:
"I speak of the Leftist Empire’s “family courts” and their “no-fault divorce” laws, which incentivize the break up of families by paying women to separate. Ideally, a community location could be chosen where these laws are at a minimum and it is maximally easy for dark elves to achieve freedom from them."
I guess one idea here would be to set up in some third world country that doesn't have feminist divorce courts, sure, although that's adding another hurdle for people to clear (asking them to move to some skeevy 3rd world place instead of the relatively still-functional and safe, by comparison, US), and you're almost certainly giving up protections in other areas. I don't know enough about divorce laws in shithole countries to speculate.
But if we're still talking about the United States here, I don't know of any special place in the country that you could set up shop and have divorce laws and such just magically not apply anymore? As in, if a woman in Dark Elfia gets tired of her husband or just generally decides she's out, for whatever reason, what is going to stop her from leaving the community and then initiating divorce proceedings in a US court? The mechanism for establishing a parallel legal system that the US government would actually respect and not interfere with doesn't seem clear.
I also think you are very overly optimistic about the number of young women in globohomo culture that want to sign up for "19th century family formation," especially as part of a tiny parallel society that is supposed to be isolated from the broader culture. This is a very different thing from left or right ideology more broadly. Plenty of women might be very right wing on some things like transgenderism while still not being willing to sign up for actual right wing marriage laws.
To be fair, the other side of that coin is that yes, I'm *very* pessimistic about these numbers. But I'd be interested to see some sort of data or evidence one way or the other. Maybe I'm wrong, it's not like there's been any polls done on this.
I agree that just luring in low quality women, using surrogates, and the like, is far more realistic. It is demonstrably true that if you just need women to pop babies out for you and little else, well, they'll do that for the right price.
Apparently the Amish divorce rate is very low, perhaps if women are told that it's immoral to use the internet you could replicate the results. You can justify it by saying that the internet is akin to an addictive substance and mentally harmful to women, which is true anyway. If a woman's entire social network is in the dark elf community she'll be reluctant to leave. Also providing many of the services that's also available in the outside world will make her care less about returning to the Shire/Mordor.
While the Amish certainly demonstrate that it is possible to maintain conservative social traditions separate from the modern world, that is a very different thing from starting this sort of culture basically from scratch. The Amish are a people carried forward from the past, who already had strong social inertia built up prior to the emergence of the modern world. Their children are raised from birth fully immersed in their way of life and have been for hundreds of years before leftism. My understanding is that English isn't even a first language for some Amish, with them learning Dutch first.
If we could somehow have the same benefit of raising children from birth already fully immersed in some kind of "dark elf" culture, some degree of Amish-like solidarity could probably be replicated, yes. But we don't have that benefit in this thought experiment, we have to get this thing off the ground first. The Amish provide us with a bit of a natural experiment in this respect, as it is actually possible for outsiders to join them if said outsiders really want to--but of course, the number who actually do is close to zero (from a cursory search, it's only a few dozen, and it's unclear how many were women).
To that end, adding the qualification that women signing up for Elfland must not use the Internet is another really big hurdle that is probably going to turn people off. I mean, part of the whole theory here is using the Internet to find all of our recruits in the first place. If you tried to recruit me for this thing and said one of the conditions is "no Internet forever," that's a huge turn-off and possibly a deal-breaker. Are we going to ban the Internet for men too? What about other forms of technology? Do we ban Netflix so we don't risk our wives watching globohomo crap on there? At some point if you go down that road, maybe I'd start to ask if it isn't easier to just go ahead and join the Amish instead, who are already hundreds of thousands strong.
Well mathematically, it is totally possible. You're right that finding the women would be the biggest bottleneck, but you don't need many.
One dark elf couple having a high number of children and raising them in an intergenerationally durable culture can lead to significant numbers of future children.
If each generation had 8 children:
Generation 1: 8
Generation 2: 64
Generation 3: 512
Generation 4: 4,096
Generation 5: 32,768
Generation 6: 262,144
Generation 7: 2,097,152
Generation 8: 16,777,216
Generation 9: 134,217,728
Generation 10: 1,073,741,824
Obviously, not all of these future descendants would be dark elves. But if a handful of dark elf couples can be found and grouped in an area and raised in a culture that promotes having as many children as possible, I don't see why it isn't possible.
the dark elves I know often have girlfriends. I've had several and doubt I will have trouble finding a wife, especially if I accumulate some wealth. A dark elf wife is another question, but worst case we just embryo select on slightly above average women.
dark elves are not true incels, despite popular memes. They are fakecels, sensitive young men, etc
I think your society is self-defeating with respect to your other writings. Suppose that you could indeed congregate a set of dark elves in some physical location so they breed only amongst themselves, and suppose even that such a society could acheive political independence and sovereignty. Even if everything worked perfectly and you acheive the golden "Atlas Shrugged" society, wouldn't such a society create exactly the conditions to engender maximal mutational load?
Of course, you could exile the non-dark-elf children, but this seems like a non-starter because what parent would accept such a policy? Naturally, the non-dark-elf children will intermarry, and you're a hop, skip, and a step from the degeneracy from which you started.
You might appeal to embryo selection, but I don't think science has reached the point to which you could simultaneously select for IQ, non-leftism, and non-obesity. And if science were to reach such a state, then the appropriate reaction would be to encourage (or force?) all parents to select across these characteristics, such that we could move all of humanity forward, not just a select few.
By the way: This is actually a legit site. Could be more developed in some ways. But I also understand the hurdles they are up agains like banning on social media and such:
In my opinion, any reasonable definition of Elves should include the populations of China, Japan, Korea, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia (and Singapore+Hong Kong).
I just trippled the Elf population. You're welcome.
Chinks are not Elfs. They are low inventive, weak, small and unattractive. Very collectivist und never willing to leave their bug societies. Also low fertility and no aggression
I think with these idea in mind ageist theory need to answer about voting and political occupation age, youth transgenderism, age rating system for media etc...
Ivy leagues were the wellspring of American Elite power by solving the assortative mating problem. We have been forced out and must generate our own eugenic endogamous institutions. Your test criteria are good but I would add fitness to it so we don't create a race of cretins. Furthermore testing should be tied to entry to club membership which affords education, social, and recreational activities designed around letting young people demonstrate their excellence and pair off. Jewish summer camp but for 130 IQ anglos, so to speak. Taglit for 130 IQ anglos. A university centered on classics and practical knowledge might also work if you could find the proper host nation (El Salvador? (could Palestra evolve to fit the bill?)) but it could start much simpler as simple annual conferences. Many endogamous diaporas have annual conferences which serve as match making events. This seems like a logical starting point.
In any case, the establishment of eugenic endogamy buys us unlimited time to do everything else. And with unlimited time you can do pretty much anything.
I think there are significant hurdles to starting too narrow. Based people are rare. High fertility people are rare. Fit people are rare. Intelligent people are rare. Courageous people willing to risk something new are rare. The boolean intersection of these is vanishingly small. If you can start with a wider net but with foundational consensus of iterative eugenic selection then that's all that is needed.
105+ IQ
Can run 3 miles under 22 minutes
Committed to having 3+ kids
Fixation index acceptable distance from Anglo mean
But right from the start you set expectation this is elite institution and Only top candidates will be accepted. Each successive year the criteria get a little higher. If you shave off the bottom 20% each generation then that is sufficient. Note this is exactly how Ivy Leagues worked. If 2 of 3 of your kids got in then you were still happy, you'd still make a donation to the endowment. It was the 3rd kid's fault after all, they didn't eat their greens or whatever.
What do you do with by discarded 20% Build the pleb class under an associated group. Their kids can have another shot at re-entry.
Large proportions of technological progress remove selection pressure for human quality, and therefore technological progress must itself be subject to selection pressure for your country to work, which is not currently (or ever) competitive.
The only known counterargument to this, the "Uncleteddian Gambit", lacks strong reproductive fitness, so barring a Butlerian Jihad shifting the overton window into Mentat Breeding Territory(TM), I think you're (not) fucked.
The so-called Fair Housing Act was the nail in the coffin for free association and continued preservation of Dark Elves - to reverse its ill effects we must have our own space. Excellent article
I once calculated it takes ~100 such dark elves to go to Iceland, breed 7 children and repeat that 7 times with each generation.
This way you could democratically win elections in ~80 years (probably half of that due to sheer pressure of such group if well managed).
While something like this might be nice to fantasize about, to call it a pipe dream would be generous. There are plenty of problems with it but the biggest and most obvious is the Woman Question. After first limiting the pool of potential "Dark Elves" to only very smart people, you are then asking all of the fertile (i.e. young) women in that range to be right wing, which will weed out lots of them, and then most importantly, you are *asking them to accept 19th century dating and marriage norms and laws*, which will weed out probably almost all of them.
Don't get me wrong, I'm open to the idea that 19th century marriage laws would be superior to the ones we have today, and I definitely agree that some kind of shift back to traditional marriage and away from so-called "sexual liberation" and feminism would be very beneficial. But the number of smart young women who would be willing to accept this, and to fully cut themselves off from mainstream society in the process, is surely an infinitesimally small population. Even assuming you could find any willing volunteers, how do you stop them from just running to a leftist divorce court at the first sign of trouble? The mechanism for that isn't clear at all, but I feel that it's largely irrelevant as our hypothetical Dark Elf state will likely have zero women signing up for it anyways.
Another roadblock is that, again, even assuming you actually found some quality female Dark Elves who are willing to hear you out with regards to the whole Dark Elfia idea, the gender ratio for this whole thing is still going to end up stupendously lopsided. However few women you manage to recruit, you will surely find an order of magnitude more men who are ready to try it. So, you'll have to limit the number of male applicants severely, or else figure out how to manage a Dark Elfia with something silly like a 5:1 or 10:1 (or maybe worse than that, who knows) male:female ratio.
This is pure speculation on my part, but I'd hypothesize that you'd actually have much better luck getting low IQ women to sign up for tradlarping, specifically because dumb women would be much easier to manipulate and control. But yeah this whole thing is never happening anyways so it's whatever. Personally, I think IQ is a bit overrated, and I'd focus more on ideology. My judgment is that a stupid "based" person is not that much different or worse from a smart one, as long as there are a few smart ones to point him in the right direction. At the very least, I feel confident that I would generally prefer the company of stupid right wingers to that of intelligent leftists.
stupid right wingers could come in for labor but could not be full citizens. We will not have a mass democracy run by the 95 IQ. The low IQ are a danger to our liberties, they give us credentialism, mass education, demagogueist tyrannies, socialism, and so on.
You're completely disenfranchising enitire nations, like the irish, romanians, Rednecks, Afrikaners/Boers, and others. Stop creating divison, god made us all white. We're meant to be together
some of these are good points but a little too concern trolly for my tastes. Obviously you don't want this to happen. That's fine, stay in SF with the mutated elves and the hobo orcs.
I've given a lot of thought to the WQ, that's what the follow up post was primarily going to be about.
I'm guessing you just didn't read the article all the way through actually. This comment is so bad it's almost a ban.
The answer to the divorce court question is in the article which you didn't properly engage with. As to how to get women there, I think you're overly blackpilled about the sex gap on leftism. It's not that large actually. There should, in theory, be a lot of dark elf women. One problem is finding them in the haystack of mutationplanet. So this is why we need networking. Currently these women are isolated and are racemixing with non-dark-elves. So, reaching these women technologically is key. A lot of women love Pride and Prejudice and will have no problem with 19th century family formation.
Insofar as this is overly optimistic, dark elfia should be an economic powerhouse due to the high concentration of human capital. We will just lure in lower quality women with money and embryo-select their offspring. We can also rent surrogates, and later artificial wombs. Their daughters will be raised in Dark Elfia and not complying with our laws will mean exile like the Amish. Most will not leave after being raised in Dark Elfia and selected for rightism. Also Dark Elfian men would be expected to be in good physical shape, so more attractive than most men physically.
Will the Gay Leftist Empire have a problem with this? this is why location choice and liberty is important, like I said.
I'm a subscriber to your page and share a lot of your general worldview. I'd be all in favor of Dark Elfia being a real thing (though maybe let's find a better name for it), if all my concerns turned out to be totally wrong, that would be cool with me.
I don't see where the issue of divorce courts was addressed. The closest I can find is this passage:
"I speak of the Leftist Empire’s “family courts” and their “no-fault divorce” laws, which incentivize the break up of families by paying women to separate. Ideally, a community location could be chosen where these laws are at a minimum and it is maximally easy for dark elves to achieve freedom from them."
I guess one idea here would be to set up in some third world country that doesn't have feminist divorce courts, sure, although that's adding another hurdle for people to clear (asking them to move to some skeevy 3rd world place instead of the relatively still-functional and safe, by comparison, US), and you're almost certainly giving up protections in other areas. I don't know enough about divorce laws in shithole countries to speculate.
But if we're still talking about the United States here, I don't know of any special place in the country that you could set up shop and have divorce laws and such just magically not apply anymore? As in, if a woman in Dark Elfia gets tired of her husband or just generally decides she's out, for whatever reason, what is going to stop her from leaving the community and then initiating divorce proceedings in a US court? The mechanism for establishing a parallel legal system that the US government would actually respect and not interfere with doesn't seem clear.
I also think you are very overly optimistic about the number of young women in globohomo culture that want to sign up for "19th century family formation," especially as part of a tiny parallel society that is supposed to be isolated from the broader culture. This is a very different thing from left or right ideology more broadly. Plenty of women might be very right wing on some things like transgenderism while still not being willing to sign up for actual right wing marriage laws.
To be fair, the other side of that coin is that yes, I'm *very* pessimistic about these numbers. But I'd be interested to see some sort of data or evidence one way or the other. Maybe I'm wrong, it's not like there's been any polls done on this.
I agree that just luring in low quality women, using surrogates, and the like, is far more realistic. It is demonstrably true that if you just need women to pop babies out for you and little else, well, they'll do that for the right price.
Apparently the Amish divorce rate is very low, perhaps if women are told that it's immoral to use the internet you could replicate the results. You can justify it by saying that the internet is akin to an addictive substance and mentally harmful to women, which is true anyway. If a woman's entire social network is in the dark elf community she'll be reluctant to leave. Also providing many of the services that's also available in the outside world will make her care less about returning to the Shire/Mordor.
While the Amish certainly demonstrate that it is possible to maintain conservative social traditions separate from the modern world, that is a very different thing from starting this sort of culture basically from scratch. The Amish are a people carried forward from the past, who already had strong social inertia built up prior to the emergence of the modern world. Their children are raised from birth fully immersed in their way of life and have been for hundreds of years before leftism. My understanding is that English isn't even a first language for some Amish, with them learning Dutch first.
If we could somehow have the same benefit of raising children from birth already fully immersed in some kind of "dark elf" culture, some degree of Amish-like solidarity could probably be replicated, yes. But we don't have that benefit in this thought experiment, we have to get this thing off the ground first. The Amish provide us with a bit of a natural experiment in this respect, as it is actually possible for outsiders to join them if said outsiders really want to--but of course, the number who actually do is close to zero (from a cursory search, it's only a few dozen, and it's unclear how many were women).
To that end, adding the qualification that women signing up for Elfland must not use the Internet is another really big hurdle that is probably going to turn people off. I mean, part of the whole theory here is using the Internet to find all of our recruits in the first place. If you tried to recruit me for this thing and said one of the conditions is "no Internet forever," that's a huge turn-off and possibly a deal-breaker. Are we going to ban the Internet for men too? What about other forms of technology? Do we ban Netflix so we don't risk our wives watching globohomo crap on there? At some point if you go down that road, maybe I'd start to ask if it isn't easier to just go ahead and join the Amish instead, who are already hundreds of thousands strong.
Well mathematically, it is totally possible. You're right that finding the women would be the biggest bottleneck, but you don't need many.
One dark elf couple having a high number of children and raising them in an intergenerationally durable culture can lead to significant numbers of future children.
If each generation had 8 children:
Generation 1: 8
Generation 2: 64
Generation 3: 512
Generation 4: 4,096
Generation 5: 32,768
Generation 6: 262,144
Generation 7: 2,097,152
Generation 8: 16,777,216
Generation 9: 134,217,728
Generation 10: 1,073,741,824
Obviously, not all of these future descendants would be dark elves. But if a handful of dark elf couples can be found and grouped in an area and raised in a culture that promotes having as many children as possible, I don't see why it isn't possible.
the dark elves I know often have girlfriends. I've had several and doubt I will have trouble finding a wife, especially if I accumulate some wealth. A dark elf wife is another question, but worst case we just embryo select on slightly above average women.
dark elves are not true incels, despite popular memes. They are fakecels, sensitive young men, etc
I think your society is self-defeating with respect to your other writings. Suppose that you could indeed congregate a set of dark elves in some physical location so they breed only amongst themselves, and suppose even that such a society could acheive political independence and sovereignty. Even if everything worked perfectly and you acheive the golden "Atlas Shrugged" society, wouldn't such a society create exactly the conditions to engender maximal mutational load?
Of course, you could exile the non-dark-elf children, but this seems like a non-starter because what parent would accept such a policy? Naturally, the non-dark-elf children will intermarry, and you're a hop, skip, and a step from the degeneracy from which you started.
You might appeal to embryo selection, but I don't think science has reached the point to which you could simultaneously select for IQ, non-leftism, and non-obesity. And if science were to reach such a state, then the appropriate reaction would be to encourage (or force?) all parents to select across these characteristics, such that we could move all of humanity forward, not just a select few.
Fascinating idea, would love to hear more of your thoughts on this subject.
Yeah, where do we sign up?
By the way: This is actually a legit site. Could be more developed in some ways. But I also understand the hurdles they are up agains like banning on social media and such:
In my opinion, any reasonable definition of Elves should include the populations of China, Japan, Korea, Korea, Vietnam, and Mongolia (and Singapore+Hong Kong).
I just trippled the Elf population. You're welcome.
Chinks are not Elfs. They are low inventive, weak, small and unattractive. Very collectivist und never willing to leave their bug societies. Also low fertility and no aggression
I'm not sure if this is 100% Tolkien-based but why *dark* elves and not Light or HIGH elves?
Not only is it more appropriate, but "dark elves" might give brownies the wrong idea.
I think with these idea in mind ageist theory need to answer about voting and political occupation age, youth transgenderism, age rating system for media etc...
Ivy leagues were the wellspring of American Elite power by solving the assortative mating problem. We have been forced out and must generate our own eugenic endogamous institutions. Your test criteria are good but I would add fitness to it so we don't create a race of cretins. Furthermore testing should be tied to entry to club membership which affords education, social, and recreational activities designed around letting young people demonstrate their excellence and pair off. Jewish summer camp but for 130 IQ anglos, so to speak. Taglit for 130 IQ anglos. A university centered on classics and practical knowledge might also work if you could find the proper host nation (El Salvador? (could Palestra evolve to fit the bill?)) but it could start much simpler as simple annual conferences. Many endogamous diaporas have annual conferences which serve as match making events. This seems like a logical starting point.
In any case, the establishment of eugenic endogamy buys us unlimited time to do everything else. And with unlimited time you can do pretty much anything.
I think there are significant hurdles to starting too narrow. Based people are rare. High fertility people are rare. Fit people are rare. Intelligent people are rare. Courageous people willing to risk something new are rare. The boolean intersection of these is vanishingly small. If you can start with a wider net but with foundational consensus of iterative eugenic selection then that's all that is needed.
105+ IQ
Can run 3 miles under 22 minutes
Committed to having 3+ kids
Fixation index acceptable distance from Anglo mean
But right from the start you set expectation this is elite institution and Only top candidates will be accepted. Each successive year the criteria get a little higher. If you shave off the bottom 20% each generation then that is sufficient. Note this is exactly how Ivy Leagues worked. If 2 of 3 of your kids got in then you were still happy, you'd still make a donation to the endowment. It was the 3rd kid's fault after all, they didn't eat their greens or whatever.
What do you do with by discarded 20% Build the pleb class under an associated group. Their kids can have another shot at re-entry.
Large proportions of technological progress remove selection pressure for human quality, and therefore technological progress must itself be subject to selection pressure for your country to work, which is not currently (or ever) competitive.
The only known counterargument to this, the "Uncleteddian Gambit", lacks strong reproductive fitness, so barring a Butlerian Jihad shifting the overton window into Mentat Breeding Territory(TM), I think you're (not) fucked.
So the most optimal society was Victorian England? What is the exact timeframe? The whole 19th English century?
We need to make a dark elf dating app. DM me on discord on twitter