The Patriarchy Memory Hole
Patriarchy is real under low mutational load conditions
Certain posters on my corner of X (formerly Twitter) keep subtly and non-so-subtly insisting that current feminist reproductive practices is “just the way things have always been” in civilized societies.
To the contrary, in low mutational load societies, MEN largely control male access to women.
Above is some data I collected showing “simp items”, which broadly means items attempting to measure male submissiveness towards women, correlates positively and significantly with General Wokeness to about the same extent that IQ correlates with SES. I have papers showing a paternal age effect for General Wokeness is the pipeline, so generally speaking it seems like mutational load increases General Wokeness. If it decreased IQ by the same amount, we would expect SES to fall significantly alongside IQ. So too, we know simpery has increased alongside General Wokeness. Men are bigger simps in the West right now than every in history, and what this means is they think women should be in charge of stuff more, they think men should never discipline women more than in the past, they think marriage should be FUN and not a duty for a woman more than in the past, and they think women’s feelings are “valid”, i.e. a BIG DEAL worth beating up other men over and ending relationships over much more than in the past.
Low simp-index men from the past, in contrast, thought:
Women should not be in charge of stuff, including national reproduction
Men should discipline women, including with “smacking”
Marriage is a woman’s DUTY, not something she can avoid, abandon or that she is entitled to have any fun in (references to pregnancy being military service for women are common throughout history)
Women’s feelings are silly and they should be corrected and ignored when they are upset, not catered to in divorce courts and by state security services
These men, in turn, were anti-feminist, meaning they did not let women vote, and they did not give welfare and affirmative action to women. They were also anti-gay and pro-ethnocentrism.
This is in stark contrast to e-girls and dating gurus who have been insisting to my audience of race & IQ interested men that women have ALWAYS been in charge of national reproduction, men have ALWAYS had to work to make marriage “fun” for women, or else they have ALWAYS had the right to reject their husbands and just not reproduce.
It’s the patriarchy equivalent to this meme. “There NEVER was a patriarchy. Men were NEVER not longhoused. No one white has EVER just arranged a marriage with a daughter-haver without spending years peacock dancing for a woman. No-fault divorce was ALWAYS a threat lingering over husbands who didn’t cater enough.”
Patriarchy was real. In addition to the statistics presented above, I will now document some of the historic laws on the woman question.
The Rule of the Thumb: This was a Roman law that specified the width of the switch you could spank your wife with. This law lasted into English Common Law until the 1870s in the US when courts finally banned the ancient right to “physically chastise an errant wife.” This was only after slavery abolition, for reference, so you have decent mutational load accumulating already. Also, during the decline of Rome, which died from the same disease as the US, this law was, of course, in grass-roots decline, but it became popular again as mutational load was swept out of the gene pool after the collapse.
White veiling: Making women veil is a classic sign of a strong patriarchy. Women are commanded to do this in the New Testament. 1 Cor 11:10 states “That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.” The ancient Athenians classically made their women veil in public. Elite women were secluded to the home and it was shameful for them to be in the agora, where their husbands would instead admire ephebes. For many centuries, until around 1175, Anglo-Saxon and then Anglo-Norman women, with the exception of young unmarried girls, wore veils that entirely covered their hair, and often their necks up to their chins. Veiling, covering the hair, was the normative practice of Christian women until at least the 19th century (mutational load).
Arranged marriage: an arranged marriage is the key aspect of patriarchy, where fathers and grooms negotiate for a woman, who, in the extremes, is afforded no peacock courting time whatsoever (compare to extremely lengthy courting times demanded today — this is the period when the man does all of the work and woman does not even bare a child, and sometimes does not even give sex. Under feminism courting times are often years and the woman will still walk away, completely ripping off the man). In Ancient Rome, it was called manus marriage and involved little to no courting time. Manus referenced the fact that the pride was passed from her father’s guardianship to her husband’s. If a woman tried to veto her marriage, she could be honor-killed by her father. As Rome declined, these laws weakened and Augustus tried to re-implement them, adding penalties for unmarried women and honor-killings for female adultery. In Britain, the wife's consent became required for arranged marriage in Britain in the 18th century. The Marriage Act of 1753 laid down rules for where marriages were allowed to take place, whom you were and were not allowed to marry, the requirement for at least two witnesses to be present at the marriage ceremony, and set a minimum marriageable age. The Act required that both parties must give their free and voluntary consent to the marriage, and that the consent of parents or guardians was required for those under 21 years of age. Prior to the Marriage Act of 1753, marriages were often arranged, and the wife's consent was not required. Even when the wife’s consent is required, social relations are such that the consent approximates the consent of someone for going to high school or college — it is not a truly “free” consent, there are strong pressures from family, society, and the economy, unlike under anti-marriage feminism.
Divorce: In Britain, divorce rape as we know it now did not exist until well into the 20th century. For a long time, women could just not divorce. Divorce became legal for women in Britain in 1857 with the Matrimonial Causes Act. Before this act, divorce was granted by Parliament only for adultery, and wives could only initiate a divorce Bill if the adultery was compounded by life-threatening cruelty. The Matrimonial Causes Act 1923 enabled either partner to petition for divorce on the basis of their spouse's adultery, cruelty, or desertion for two years or more. In England and Wales, divorce is allowed under the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 on the ground that the marriage has irretrievably broken down without having to prove fault or separation. Following reform in 2022, it is no longer possible to defend (i.e. a male could plead before the court to not be divorce raped) a divorce.
Under conditions of high mutational load, men experience a sexual marketplace where:
they meet random women online or in clubs, classrooms, etc
they court those women for years before any potential marriage, and the women often walk away after tons of resources have been poured in, often without giving sex, after being rude, annoying, and boring.
they are likely to marry a woman over 28, who is statistically capable of having 2 natural kids. She goes on to, on average, have just 2 kids, meaning the couple hardly replaces themselves.
Her admitted body count is usually 3 or greater. Her “dating count” is double digits or worse.
they are likely to be divorced. Over half of marriages end in divorce, usually initiated by the woman, who often takes even more resources from the man as a reward given by the courts.
their wife throughout this is disrespectful, emotionally demanding, nagging, and they face jail time and divorce-rape for smacking or discipline, which is banned.
Under conditions of low mutational load, men experience a sexual marketplace where:
marriages are arranged through parents. The woman is heavily pressured by her parents to marry, or forced legally
courting times are small and resource-light, usually under a few months of negotiation. The longer it goes on, the more the whole family faces consequences for roastie behavior like “ghosting” and other forms of disrespect and resource theft men put up with from some women after literal years of courting
The woman is probably in her teens or early twenties depending on economic conditions. She can easily give 6 children if the man wants.
She is a virgin who has been courted explicitly by few or no men prior to her husband.
She is not allowed to divorce him save for extreme circumstances like adultery or serious physical abuse.
The wife is respectful, polite, submissive, and feminine, and can be spanked for punishment if she is not.
Just the fact that this is how things were, and men allow things to be like the first list is enough to prove mutational load theory. Men today are en masse mentally ill to not demand patriarchal conditions. Success in the dating market today requires humiliation and the reward is a post wall roastie + eventual divorce rape. Now there is the male loneliness crisis and the incel crisis and so on, and people wonder why. It is because the men are mentally ill. The solution to their problems is to enforce patriarchy, but they will not do this because they are high mutational load simps.
I'd like men to return to political power but I don't think going back to the marriage arrangements listed here is in anyone's interest. I do believe that companionate marriage is better for children. But obviously the divorce and childcare laws need changing.
Women like money and humour. Therefore female sexual selection is eugenic.