What would you estimate the IQ of the Average Joseph Bronski Enjoyer to be?

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110 iq, my IQ. Mostly white english speakers. Lots of math, statistics and complex topics. Maybe 115

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Joseph Bronski

Well I got a 1580 on the SAT, so clearly someone owes me 250 billion dollars.

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If you are using a Bayesian model, you should also use the fact that the average IQ of a billionaire is 130. I think we can admit that if you didn't have his SAT, the reasonable probability distribution would not have a peak at the population mean. Furthermore, 100 billion+ net worth probably has an average IQ significantly higher than 130, maybe enough that it should push the prediction from his SAT score into a higher range, not a lower one.

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If the old SAT has as high a g loading as the WAIS, can't his SAT score be used as representative of his intelligence without the need to regress the mean? since he wasn't specifically selected for having a high SAT score like the ivy leaguers.

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Interesting that the average of the two extremes is your estimate though. Maybe a wisdom of crowds type of thing.

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Seems about right for Musk.

Saw a blog post with stats suggesting that higher IQ begins to reflect lower wealth. People going Kaczynski, I suppose (yuk yuk); heading for the basement; being a post doc forever.

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