How do you explain then how people will change their minds on issues, and how few are just born far-right and before then would have held left-wing or libertarian views?

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Shaman trying to confuse with big numbers, very wrong! Want explanation of many moon seasons, and many comet passing, only then can oracle be consulted. What of big ball trends? Show off opposite way, surely not all world same? Is not Cuba with it's very high abortion rate worth thought?

Grug not trust math wizard! Math wizard make many harm, long nose tea leaf reader more self evident.

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A comment from someone who has nothing to do with genetic beyond high school textbook.

Although I understand that you are right about genetics there is some clarification required.

From what I understood. Is it possible that you are reducing an argument of incentive structure to one of genetics. Given Moldbug and Dawkins are wrong, yet Democracy the god that Failed by Hans-Herman Hoppe and Biological Leninism are not wrong and in that context Cathedral has explanatory power although only as on appendage growing out of Democracy and far less potent than it claims to.

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How do you think this relates to intelligence? Mainstream is that it correlates both with leftism and low mutational load, which would cap the relation between the two.

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Outside the topic: what do you prefer:FMA 2003 or FMA;B?

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